Did you know your dog may be miserable and in danger of dying years before they should? If your special
friend is one of the 45% of dogs that are overweight, then this may be the most important letter you ever read...
Dear Dog Lover,
Do you know if your pet is at a healthy weight? Would you be willing to take a short quiz to find out?
Take a good look at your dog.

Does your dog have a broad, flat back? |

Does it's stomach sag a little bit? Can you maybe even grab a little handful of fat? |

Is it at all difficult to feel ribs under its fatty layer? |

Are you unable to figure out where its waist is? |
If you answered 'yes' to any of the questions above, then it is likely
that your dog has a weight problem.
Unfortunately, even just a few extra pounds can create a pet owner's nightmare
of painful and costly health problems such as:

Diabetes |

Heart Disease |

High blood pressure

and even cancer. |
You want what's best for your softy,
cuddly, friend... a long happy life full of fun times together. But it's not easy to keep them at a healthy weight when
they whine like they are starving (near death's door) all the time... And who can resist tossin' them a table
scrap or two?
Slimming your pet down is
going to be tough, right? WRONG . With the right strategy shrinking your dog down to a healthy
size can be a piece of cake. And you still can give them the occasional treat.